Help Madame Fate to avoid her own demise as you explore and investigate the magical world of Fate’s Carnival!☆ MADAME FATE HAS FORESEEN HER OWN DEMISE!As a mysterious fortune teller with a magic crystal ball she knows that it will happen at midnight on this very day
☆ CAN YOU HELP MADAME FATE TO AVOID THIS TERRIBLE FORTUNE?She has asked for your help in investigating each quirky carnival worker to determine their whereabouts at midnight.
☆ EXPLORE THE MAGICAL WORLD OF FATE`S CARNIVAL!Your investigation will include a multitude of fascinating personalities, from Art the Carny to Lucy the Bearded Beauty and more.
☆ DISCOVER THE SECRETS HIDDEN WITHIN MADAME FATE`S CRYSTAL BALLEach suspect has a motive, but only a Master Detective can solve this case
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